Turtle 1.0
programming language is developed by Nigele McCoy. Turtle was developed for
small tasks and is a scripting language. Turtle is derived from the python programming
language. One of the key features of turtle, is that you do not have to write a
lot code for tasks. The keywords are simple in nature, because they are short
words. The syntax is very simple, because the requirements are few. Turtle is
an interpreted high level language like python, and is object-oriented.
The turtle interpreter runs through python,
this means you will need the latest version of python. You can download python
3.6 at www.python.org. The interpreter will
work fine on python 3.5.2 . The turtle programming language package will
provide two interpreters, and a turtle interpreter class.
The two
interpreters are not the same, one is cross platform and the other is Unix based.
The turtle interpreter is cross platform but the turtle terminal interpreter is
not. The turtle terminal interpreter is Unix based and receives a command line
argument. This means that the interpreter can only be ran through the terminal.
The interpreter class are for those that desire to pass many files into the interpreter
and for the blending of python and the turtle language.
For any
questions contact the developer at turtle.language@gmail.com. Documentation will be provided at www.turtlelanguage.blogspot.com.
You can follow the turtle programming language on Instagram at turtlelanguage.
Here is the link
for the turtle programming language.
The link is on
the turtle blogspot as well. Updates for turtle will be available through
the same link.
The purpose of this booklet is to
introduce you to the syntax, and features found in the first version of turtle.
Being that turtle is derived from python, I expect those that are reading to
have some experience in python or some other programming language. I will
provide syntax example files along with the turtle package to provide greater
clarity. Due to the size of this booklet you will want to look at the example
files to make sure that your format is correct.
Comments and Output
Commenting in
turtle, is like the syntax for commenting in C++.
The syntax:
// turtle code proper syntax
// turtle code proper
//turtle code proper syntax
/ turtle code invalid syntax
In turtle spacing is very important. For
commenting, there must be two forward slashes. As a rule, in turtle every
keyword must have one space after it. That brings us to our first keyword which
is show. The show keyword displays
Turtle is case sensitive when it comes to keywords. All keywords are lowercase.
The syntax:
show “hello” . output
will be hello
show “ “ . output
will be blank
show “100” . output will be 100
show 100 >
10 . output will be True
show a . output will be what a equals
show 100 * 10 . output will be 1000
show “100” . output is indented but will show the same as
the other statements
show “ ’genesis’
” . output will be ‘genesis’
// wrong syntax
show . nothing to show. // these statements will not display
show “good” period
When using the show keyword always have some type of content to display and a period to
end the statement. With all statements,
they must fit on one line to be
interpreted. The interpreter is very sensitive when it comes to strings. It is
important to note, that the interpreter has been set up to read any file extension python can read. I would suggest that you write your source code in python. The
reason for this is that double quotes outside python source code is formatted
differently. This means other file types may not allow strings to display
properly. Notice that show can be
indented when displaying digits and strings, in most case indention in
turtle will lead to some type of error.
Variables and Input
The data types in turtle are derived from
python. In turtle, you have integer, float, string, Boolean, and complex.
(If there are any other that I have forgotten include them as well) The math operators are derived from python.(*
/ + - ** // %) The Strings that are surrounded by single quotes in turtle, are not considered strings. Strings are only considered strings when
they are surrounded by double quotes. As turtle develops more this may
declarations are very simple. You do
not have to declare the data type. The other cool feature is that you can change a variable data type
when re-assigning. The disadvantage of variable declaration in turtle’s first
version is that you cannot do many math
operations on variables. The other disadvantage is that you cannot declare a string variable
that has only special character(s).
Example of special characters: ~:;<>?#$%!^&*. These characters must
be with non-special characters to appear properly. If you desire to have a
variable that holds a special character you will have assign the variable by
inputting it.
The syntax:
A = “turtle” will work properly
b = “genesis” will work properly
c = 100 + 20 will work properly c = 120
d = 100 > 30 will work properly d = True
// Assigning variables to
A = c data types do not matter when assigning
// These will not work properly
e = input error or unknown variable error will appear.
nothing declared
f =”good” missing proper spacing
g = “ “ cannot declare empty strings
variables always require that you leave the line below empty. If you
do not provide
an empty line beneath the declaration, the line underneath will not
be read. The
only thing that should be beneath are comments
or an empty line.
Input is like declaring variables. In turtle, you can see the actual variable when
being prompted for its value. It is important then to name variables something that you can
The syntax:
Dog = ? to input you must use the question mark symbol.
Dog yorkie Dog
will appear to the user.
// This will not work
Dog =? Will not work missing proper spacing.
Input is
simple it only requires the question mark? As with declaring variables you must
leave an empty line beneath the input. There is another way to create variables
but we must first understand hashing and files.
Hashing in turtle is another way of saying concatenation.
You can add strings together but with digits you can add or subtract with
hashing. Hashing can be done on files. Hashing in higher version of turtle will
have more features. To hash variables,
you must use a hashing statement. The hashing statements always begins with
the # sign and the hashing variable to. To finish the statement, you need to give the
variable that is being hashed and the variable that will be added to the hashed
variable. Hashing statements always
require an empty line beneath.
The syntax:
A = “hello”
B = “ Chris”
# to a b This is saying hash to variable a variable b
show A . output will be hello Chris
// wrong syntax
# a to b wrong syntax
As a rule, when it comes to hashing, hash
characters with character and numbers
With numbers with numbers. You will
get an error if you mix data types. If you use
Numbers in a
string be sure to add some other character when hashing. Example:
A = “100 people” This proper
B = “ went to the
# to A B output 100 people went to the
If the 100 is by
itself, when you try to hash it the interpreter may not read it correctly.
Before we look at hashing to files,
we need to understand how turtle works in
regards to files.
In turtle, you do not have to write statements to open and close files.
Turtle has
objects that do all the back work for you. These objects are known as
blocks and will receive arguments. Blocks are objects and keywords. In
regards to
hashing files the
same syntax with hashing variables apply. The only difference is that
you must have a
file in existence and you must provide the path of that file in a string
The syntax:
File =
Text =
"Hello world”
# to File Text
In this example,
we are using Mac OS X path formatting but it works the same way on
windows. Remember to leave an empty line beneath
declarations and hashing
statements and blocks. We will
continue to look at file operations.
The syntax:
[r] file.txt reads a file
[w] file.txt creates a file to write to
[rw] file.txt reads a file and allows
you to add more content to the file.
Notice how these statements have brackets around them. The statements
have brackets
around them are called blocks.
Blocks normally receive some type of
data and does some type of operation with data received. In the case of reading,
writing, and
appending to files it takes one argument.
Arguments always begin after
the block and
always require one space after the block. In the case of files, you only
need to give the name of the file you want to read, write or
append to. If you want
read, write, or
append to a file that is not in the same directory of the interpreter you
will need give the path of that file instead of the
name. The last interesting thing that
you can do to a
file is use the get block. This
block gets the data from a file and
assigns it to
variable. In this statement, you can create a variable. For now, in turtle
this is the last
way you can create a variable. The get block unlike the [r], [w], and
[rw] block takes
two arguments. When you have two arguments,
the arguments are
divided by a space, dash and a space.
The syntax:
/Users/johndoe/desktop/a.txt - info
With the get block the first argument must be a path.
The second argument is the variable that will
hold the data.
Now we can
discuss directories and files. In turtle, you can copy, move, and remove files. Turtle allows you to make and remove directories. The last directory object is the take block.
This block receives two arguments and copies
all the files from one directory to another
The syntax:
[copy] file.txt -
[move] /users/file.txt -
[remove] /users/file.txt //one argument only
The copy and move blocks requires
two arguments. The first argument is the
file or path of file and the second is the location where the file is going to be copied or moved to. I
recommend that when working with directories whether you are in the
current directory or not use paths for arguments.
and Blocks
The syntax:
/users/johndoe/desktop/games makes a
[rmdir] /users/johndoe/desktop/games
removes a directory
/Users/john/Desktop/ - /Users/john/Desktop/goo/
The mkdir and rmdir block receives only one argument. These take the
where the directory is made, or
deleted. The take block receives two arguments. The first argument is the directory that the files are going to be
copied from. The second argument is the directory that the files will be copied to. The take block can only receive paths as arguments.
One important thing to note is that this
block does not work properly on the Windows operating system. The take
block should work properly on Mac and Linux. Now that we have discussed directories,
we shall discuss the remaining blocks in turtle’s first version. The next two
blocks only receive one argument. The first block is the check block; its
purpose is to check an expression to see if it is true or false. The check
block will also show the expression along with the word true or false. The
second block is the web block which opens a web page.
The syntax:
[check] 100 > 10
output will be 100 > 10 True
// The wrong syntax
for web block
The last two blocks in turtle’s
first version deal with the interpreter. The first is
the output block, and it copies all output
to a file. The file will have a list of the output.
The output block
receives one argument and that argument is to receive the name of
the file you want to create to hold the output of the file.
The second block is the exit
block and it stops
the interpreter. Be careful of using the exit block because the
interpreter runs
very quickly. This means that the output may not be displayed
because the
interpreter will stop before it can display output. I recommend using the
exit block at the end of the program.
This will make sure that the whole program
runs. One thing to
note is that the interpreter will stop once it reads the whole file.
The other thing
about the exit block is that you once it is used then it cannot be
reversed. The interpreter must be restarted, after the exit block is used.
The syntax:
[output] file.txt One argument // a path can be provided as well
[exit] no argument
Before I end this booklet and I need to
discuss how the interpreters works. The
interpreters only
receive files. The terminal interpreter receives a command line
argument. The
terminal interpreter only receives one command line argument. Due to
how python works on
windows you use an escape key to exit
the interpreter.
The reason for
this, is so that you can see the output. On other operating systems, you
can see the output
when the interpreter ends.
The other interesting feature of
the interpreter is that it tells you where you
have went wrong. The interpreter gives the line, and the
issue that is found. If the
interpreter finds
an issue that it does not recognize, unknown variable will appear.
When the interpreter
reads an error, the interpreter stops at that line and will read
no more from the
I hope that you enjoy the turtle
programming language. If you have any
problems, or suggestions please contact the developer at
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